Floram emblems are also 1 of the critical national symbols of a lot of countries that actually represent the nature and geography of that country. Some countries have further associated the specific flowers to their native territories. In truth, if some countries have not described any specific flower as their floral emblem, still due to higher public liking there always lies a flower that represents as the pride and culture of that country.
National Flowers of is a actual lengthy list. We have divided it into 3 parts for your interest. Verify out these exquisite pictures of the national flowers in the 1st part
1- Alpenrose Rhododendron ferrugineum: The National Flower of Sweden
2- Alpine gentian: The National flower of Austria
three- Bauhinia blakeana: The National flower of Hong Kong
four- Black Orchid (Prosthechea cochleata): The National flower of Belize
five- Blue poppy (Meconopsis grandis): The National flower of Bhutan
six- Bunga Raya (Chinese Hibiscus or Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ): The National flower of Malaysia
7- Candytuft (Iberis gibraltarica): The National flower of Gibraltar
8- Cantuta or cantua buxifolia: The National flower of Peru
9- Carnation or Calvel: The National flower of Spain
ten- Carnation: The national flower of Slovenia
11- Cassia fistula or the golden shower tree: The national flower of Thailand
12- Cattleya trianae: The national flower of Colombia
13- Ceibo Tree Flower: The National Flower of Uruguay
14- Centaurea: The national flower of Belarus
15- Chaconia (Warszewiczia coccinea): The national flower of Trinidad & Tobago
16- Chamomile: The national flower of Russia
17- Cherry Blossoms: The national flower of Ukraine
18- Chinese plum or Prunus Mume ( The beloved flower of China )
19- Convallaria majalis or Lily of the Valley: The national flower of Finland
20- Copihue: The national flower of Chile
21- Corn Poppy or Papaver rhoeas: The National Flower of Poland
22- Cornflower: The national flower of Germany
23- Costus spectabilis: The National Flower of Nigeria
24- Cyathea dealbata or Silver tree fern or Silver Fern: The National Flower of New Zealand
25- Cyclamen: The national flower of Italy
26- Cyprus cyclamen: The national flower of Cyprus
27- Dagger’s Log: The national flower of Antigua & Barbuda
28- Dahlia: The national flower of Mexico
29- Dianthus caryophyllus or Carnation: The national flower of Monaco
30- Doffodil: The national flower of Wales
31- Dog Rose or Rosa Canina: The national flower of Romania
32- Dryas octopetala or Mountain Avens: The national flower of Iceland
33- Egyptian water lily or Nymphaea: The national flower of Egypt
34- Flax: The national flower of the Northern Ireland
35- Flor de Mayo or Cattleya mossiae: The national flower of Venezuela
36- Flower of the ceibo tree or Erythrina crista-galli: The national flower of Argentine
37- Gardenia taitensis or Tahitian Gardenia or Tiare Flower: The national flower of Tahiti, French Polynesia & Cook Islands
For more national flowers of the lovely planet, visit the other two pages of this series.
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