One of the most distinguished in the insects is the Honey Bee which biologically belongs to the family members Apidae. Honey Bees are a subset of bees in the genus Apis. It is a surprising truth that there are more than 20,000 known species of the bees in the world out of which there are only seven are recognized species of honey bee with a total of 44 subspecies. We’ll discuss about a sub specie of the Western honey bee or European honey bee (Apis mellifera) which is native to the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa. One particular of its sub specie is the Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica Pollman), which is native to Slovenia and to some regions of the former Yugoslavia, southern Austria, and components of Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria.
The Carniolan Honey Bee is 1 of the most common honey bees for the production of honey. There are some other big motives for the recognition of the Carniolan honey bee. One particular of the incredible abilities of the Carniolan Honey bee is to defend itself effectively against insect pests. At the very same time, the Carniolan honey bee is also really gentle in its behavior toward beekeepers.
The Carniolan honey bees are also very easily adaptable to a variety of types of climatic situations as they possess phenomenal flying capability. They are also quite nice wax creators and they are capable to put up with extremely low temperatures and can over-winter with only 50% of their honey reserves, with no receiving sick. As nicely, they can invest up to 150 days inside the hive in winter.
Slovenia is considered perfect for the flourishing of the population of the Carniolan honey bee due to its geographical place. Slovenia is the organic meeting point of 4 distinct regions: the Alpine area, the Pannonian area, the Mediterranean area and the dinaro-karstic regions. The Carniolan honey bee of Slovenia is pretty big in its size as evaluate to other species of honey bee. They build up swiftly in the spring season so they are also known as ‘SPRING HONEY FLOW BEES’. This feature helps them to take full advantage of the early honey flows in the agricultural European countries.
A beekeeper installing her Carniolan honey bee hive
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