You would hardly find a South Asian community with no a Paan shop be it in Toronto, London, Birmingham, Manchester, New York, Melbourne or any other element of the world. Paan is an crucial element of South Asian culture and meals since hundreds of years.
Just before Paan became common, it was regarded a delicacy among the royals and cultural elite and served soon after meals to freshen the breath. Traditionally, Paan is prepared with betel nut leaf with paste of slaked lime wrapped in silver foil and filled with a variety of varieties of flavors and fragrances. These days Paan is served in wedding ceremonies and parties right after the meal or used any time of the day.
There are one particular million or much more recipes of Paan in truth, there is no recipe of Paan. Each Paan lover likes to have it according to his own taste. Some like it with tobacco, some like Paan with graded coconut, some like with just a hint of fragrance and cardamom, some like Paan with sweet condiments and syrups, some like Paan with areca nuts and some like it with out it … and so on. Thus, producing a excellent Paan is a skill in itself. Every single Paan maker has his own secret recipe. Paan makers know the linking of their standard clients and prepare Paan for each consumer separately.
The betel nut leaf has been utilized in conventional medicine in India but the ingredients employed on Paan these days are mentioned to have carcinogenic impact.
How to Prepare Paan
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