Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Red-headed woodpecker of North America is one of numerous red headed species of the woodpecker loved ones which is particularly named right after its red head. This medium sized woodpecker is from North America and it is fundamentally a tri colored bird. The mature red-headed woodpecker is getting a red head and neck with a black back and tail. And typically the beneath parts are discovered white with striking plumage.

The redheaded woodpecker ( Terry & Joanne Johnson Image )

The red-headed woodpecker is an omnivorous bird which loves to eat insects, seeds, fruits, berries, nuts, and sometimes even the eggs of other birds. Each male and female red-headed woodpeckers measure from 19 to 25 cm in length, with a wingspan of 42.5 cm They can weigh from 56 to 97 g (two. to 3.four oz). Scientifically the Red-headed Woodpecker is known as as Melanerpes erythrocephalus and its conservation status is defined as close to threatened.

The pair of redheaded woodpeckers ( An image by Ken Hipp )

Generally, the red-headed woodpecker builds its nest in the dead trees but due to the fast erasing of such trees, their habitat is tremendously under threat of elimination. The other factors of the habitat destruction of the red-headed woodpecker of North America are the agro primarily based farming and the loss of modest orchards.

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