Thursday, August 13, 2015

Diverse countries of have classified their national animals. The motive behind this is to create the awareness for the protection of the uncommon and endangered animal species in their respective locations. The National Animals of the countries of the lovly planet are as under

1- African Leopard : The National Animal of Rwanda

African Leopard : The National Animal of Rwanda ( Image: Wendy Salisbury )
African Leopard : The National Animal of Rwanda ( Image: Wendy Salisbury )

2- Alpaca: The National Animal of Bolivia

Alpaca: The National Animal of Bolivia. (Image:Wayne Grivell )

3- Alpine Ibex: The National Animal of Slovenia

The Alpine Ibex is the national animal of Slovenia (Image:Zahoor Ahmed )

4- Arabian Horse: The National Animal of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( KSA )

Arabian Horse: The National Animal of KSA ( Image by egg salad sandwich )
Arabian Horse: The National Animal of KSA ( Image by egg salad sandwich )

five- ASIATIC LION:  The National Animal of Iran

ASIATIC LION: The National Animal of Iran ( Image: Martien Ulteweerd )
ASIATIC LION: The National Animal of Iran ( Image: Martien Ulteweerd )

6- Aurochs: The National Animal of Moldova

Aurochs: The National Animal of Moldova ( Image by Zooadmin )
Aurochs: The National Animal of Moldova ( Image by Zooadmin )

7- Barbary Lion: The National Animal of Libya & Morocco

Barbary Lion: The National Animal of Libya & Morocco ( Image: Anne Marie Kalus )

8- Beaver : The National Animal of Canada

Beaver : The National Animal of Canada ( An image by Mark McCulloch )
Beaver : The National Animal of Canada ( An image by Mark McCulloch )

9- Black Rhinoceros: The National Animal of Lesotho

Black Rhinoceros: The National Animal of Lesotho ( Image: Daryl Mitchell )

ten- Fighting Bull: The National Animal of Spain

Fighting Bull: The National Animal of Spain ( Image: Beto Frota )

11- Camel: the National Animal of Eritrea

Camel: the National Animal of Eritrea ( Image by Jeff Kennel )
Camel: the National Animal of Eritrea ( Image by Jeff Kennel )

12- Carabao: The National Animal of Philippines

Carabao: The National Animal of Philippines ( Image: Marcelo )
Carabao: The National Animal of Philippines ( Image: Marcelo )

13- African Elephant: The National Animal of Côte d’Ivoire

African Elephant: The National Animal of Côte d'Ivoire ( Image: Arno Meintjes )

14- Cypriot Mouflon: The National Animal of Cyprus

Cypriot Mouflon: The National Animal of Cyprus ( Image: Pambos Charalambous )
Cypriot Mouflon: The National Animal of Cyprus ( Image: Pambos Charalambous )

15- Dalmatian: The National Animal of Croatia

Dalmatian: The National Animal of Croatia ( Image: ERIC JOHNSTONE )
Dalmatian: The National Animal of Croatia ( Image: ERIC JOHNSTONE )

16- Elk or Moose: The National Animal of Norway

Elk or Moose: The National Animal of Norway ( Image: Lars Kehrel )
Elk or Moose: The National Animal of Norway ( Image: Lars Kehrel )

17- English Bulldog: The National Animal of England

English Bulldog: The National Animal of England ( Image: Mercedes Roundy )

18- European Rabbit: The National Animal of Monaco

European Rabbit: The National Animal of MOnaco ( Image : 0ystercatcher )
European Rabbit: The National Animal of MOnaco ( Image : 0ystercatcher )

19- Faroes Sheep: National Animal of the Faroe Islands

Faroes Sheep: National Animal of the Faroe Islands ( Image : ANJAI )

20- Fennec Fox: The National Animal of Algeria

Fennec Fox: The National Animal of Algeria ( Photo by Monchoparis )

21- Giraffe: The National Animal of Tanzania

Giraffe: The National Animal of Tanzania ( Photo by Daniela White )
Giraffe: The National Animal of Tanzania ( Photo by Daniela White )

22- Grey Wolf: The National Animal of Turkey

Grey Wolf: The National Animal of Turkey ( From: Gary's Photos )
Grey Wolf: The National Animal of Turkey ( From: Gary's Photographs )

23- Huemul: The National Animal of Chile

Huemul: The National Animal of Chile ( From Rodrigo Carrasco's Photos )
Huemul: The National Animal of Chile ( From Rodrigo Carrasco's Photographs )

24- Iberian Wolf: The National Animal of Portugal

Iberian Wolf: The National Animal of Portugal ( From Ian Macfadyen's Images )
Iberian Wolf: The National Animal of Portugal ( From Ian Macfadyen's Pictures )

 25- Indian Elephant: The National Animal of Laos

Indian Elephant: The National Animal of Laos ( Image by Jagdeep Rajput )
Indian Elephant: The National Animal of Laos ( Image by Jagdeep Rajput )

26- Israeli Gazelle: The National Animal of Israel

Israeli Gazelle: The National Animal of Israel ( Image : Guy Halmovitch )
Israeli Gazelle: The National Animal of Israel ( Image : Guy Halmovitch )

27- Italian Wolf: The National Animal of Italy

Italian Wolf: The National Animal of Italy
Italian Wolf: The National Animal of Italy

28- Kangroo: The National Animal of Australia

Kangroo: The National Animal of Australia ( Image: Ian Thomas )
Kangroo: The National Animal of Australia ( Image: Ian Thomas )

29- Komodo Dragon: The National Animal of Indonesia

Komodo Dragon: The National Animal of Indonesia ( Image by Ciska Tobling )
Komodo Dragon: The National Animal of Indonesia ( Image by Ciska Tobling )

30- Lynx: The National Animal of Romania & Slovenia

Lynx: The National Animal of Romania & Slovenia ( Photo: Juan Luis Perez )

31- Malayan Tiger: The National Animal of Malaysia

Malayan Tiger: The National Animal of Malaysia ( Photo : David Wang )
Malayan Tiger: The National Animal of Malaysia ( Photo : David Wang )

32- Okapi: The National Animal of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Okapi: The National Animal of the Democratic Republic of Congo. By: Aarti Kanisetty
Okapi: The National Animal of the Democratic Republic of Congo. By: Aarti Kanisetty

33- Polar Bear: The National Animal of Greenland

Polar Bear: The National Animal of Greenland ( USFWS Alaska's Image )
Polar Bear: The National Animal of Greenland ( USFWS Alaska's Image )

34- Raccoon Dog: The National Animal of Japan

Raccoon Dog: The National Animal of Japan ( An image from Doris Rapp )
Raccoon Dog: The National Animal of Japan ( An image from Doris Rapp )

35- Red Deer: The National Animal of Ireland

Red Deer: National Animal of Ireland ( Photo: Martien Ulterweerd )
Red Deer: National Animal of Ireland ( Photo: Martien Ulterweerd )

36- Russian Bear: The National Animal of Russia

Russian Bear: The National Animal of Russia ( Image: Natalia Suslova )
Russian Bear: The National Animal of Russia ( Image: Natalia Suslova )

37- Sable Antelope: The National Animal of Zimbabwe

Sable Antelope: The National Animal of Zimbabwe ( Photo: Beth Wold )

38- Singapore Cat: The National Animal of Singapore

Singapore Cat: The National Animal of Singapore by Christine Cauble

39- Striped Hyena: The National Animal of Lebanon

Striped Hyena: The National Animal of Lebanon ( Image: Truus &amp Zoo )
Striped Hyena: The National Animal of Lebanon ( Image: Truus & Zoo )

40- The Pharaoh Hound: The National Animal of MALTA

The Pharaoh Hound: The National Animal of MALTA ( Image: Alan Mackenzie )

41- Thomson’s Gazelle: The National Animal of Malawi

Thomson's Gazelle: The National Animal of Malawi ( Image: Focal Smoke )

42- Vicuna: The National Animal of Peru

Vicuna: The National Animal of Peru ( Image: Centro Int )
Vicuna: The National Animal of Peru ( Image: Centro Int )

43- Water Buffalo: The National Animal of Vietnam

Water Buffalo: The National Animal of Vietnam ( Image: Mosaic Images )
Water Buffalo: The National Animal of Vietnam ( Image: Mosaic Images )

44- White Tailed Deer : The National Animal of Costa Rica

White Tailed Deer : The National Animal of Costa Rica ( Image: Jim Cumming )
White Tailed Deer : The National Animal of Costa Rica ( Image: Jim Cumming )

45- Wisent: The National Animal of Belarus  

Wisent: The National Animal of Belarus ( Image: Harpagornis )
Wisent: The National Animal of Belarus ( Image: Harpagornis )

46- Xoloitzcuintli: The National Animal of Mexico

Xoloitzcuintli: The National Animal of Mexico (An image by Antonio Luis)
Xoloitzcuintli: The National Animal of Mexico (An image by Antonio Luis)

47- Zebra: The National Animal of Botswana

Zebra: The National Animal of Botswana ( Photo: Daniel P Davis )
Zebra: The National Animal of Botswana ( Photo: Daniel P Davis )



















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