Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Massai people possessing an estimated population of 900,000 dwelling in Kenya and the northern parts of Tanzania are regarded to be the most properly known ethnic group of Africa. They are so distinctive in their traditions, customs and dressings and known as Nilotic ethnic group. Despite of the several efforts of the governments of Kenya and Tanzania to alter their perambulatory life styles, they are continuing their ancient customs. They are distinguished in the globe for their horrific warrior characteristic and cattle desperados.

Dance of Massai Warriors in Kenya
Dance of Massai Warriors

The Massai are monotheistic, and they worship Enkai or Engai. Acceding to their beliefs Engai is a single deity of twofold dispositions.  Engai Narok (Black God) is beneficent, and Engai Nanyokie (Red God) is of retaliating nature. The “Mountain of God”, Ol Doinyo Lengai, is situated in northernmost Tanzania. The Massai are also prominent in all ethnic groups of the globe for their byzantine jewelry. The clothing of Massai is also idiosyncratic and it is known as Matavuvale.

The most respectable Massai is considered due to his number of his kids and cattle in his herd. This is also the simple source of their economy. They have the strong beliefs that God blessed them with all the cattle in the world and to rob the cattle from the other tribes is their invulnerable correct. There is no standard burial tradition of a dead Massai and they preserve the dead physique open for vultures in an open space soon after covering it with the fat and blood of a slaughtered bull.

An additional distinctive function of Massai folks is their music and classic jumping dances. The whole show is displayed by vocalists singing with each other but the primary melodies are sung by a song leader.  The lyrics of such song carry standard theme and they also move their necks while singing and it is obtaining a huge polyphonic impression.

The Massai also have the custom of modifying their bodies. Specially the piercing of earlobes is really frequent amongst them. To do this they use diverse tools like thorns for piercing, twigs, bundles of twigs, stones, the cross section of elephant tusks and empty film canisters. The Massai females use chaplets and beaded necklaces in their pierced ears. The head shaving of Massai is also an inherent practice prior to getting into into a marital partnership. Apart from warrior neighborhood of Massai who hold longer hair for their recognition the regular Massai hold quite brief hair.


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